Andorramania > Andorra tourism > Andorra duty-free allowance

Your Duty-free Allowance

When going back to the European Union after visiting the Principality of Andorra, each person has the right to take with him or her as a duty free allowance the quantities or value of products purchased in Andorra given in each section of the following table:


1.5 lit of spirits over 22% a.b.v.
3 lit of spirits under 22% a.b.v.
5 lit table wine



300 cigarettes
150 cigars (under 3g each)
75 cigars (over 3g each)
400g of pipe tobacco



75g perfume
375ml eau de cologne



1000g coffee
400g coffee extracts



200g tea
80g tea extracts


Other agricultural products

Up to a value of 175 Euros
(Under 15 year olds up to a value of 90 Euros)
- not in excess of:
2.5kg powdered milk
3kg condensed milk
6kg fresh milk
1kg butter
4kg cheese
5kg sugar
5kg meat


Other industrial products

Up to a value of 525 Euros
(Under 15 year olds up to a value of 270 Euros)

Maximum quantities and values per person
Note: * For these products, under 17 year olds have no duty free allowance

You must declare to the customs all products in excess of your individual duty free allowance: you may not accumulate allowances in value either between two or more travellers or between agricultural or industrial products so as to take through a product, the value of which is in excess of the relevant personal duty free allowance.

Enquire at the community customs before you cross the frontier about special limitations which may be applicable above all to animal or vegetable products, live animals, endangered species, medicines, weapons and ammunition, art and collectors pieces, currency, gold, or any other means of payment.

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Last update: 01/2012 (May change without notice)